The world's largest indoor mapping deployment goes live at a leading home improvement store chain in the US


Marianne Slamich

  • Pointr has officially launched the world's largest indoor mapping deployment with 2,000 retail stores; 280 million sqft of retail space
  • Digital store maps inside the retailer's app are used by millions of shoppers every month to locate products
  • Deployment was made possible by innovative AI mapping technology MapScale®

    Product finder for retail indoor map

BOSTON, Oct. 25, 2022 -- One of the largest home improvement stores in the US has partnered with Pointr, a mapping and geolocation leader, to provide a digital mapping experience inside their mobile app. This is the largest ever deployment of its kind to enable Store Mode experiences that allow shoppers to interact with the store:

  • Lookup the availability of products inside the store
  • Provide a 2D - 3D, interactive in-store map
  • Find products on a map

To make this deployment a reality, Pointr has digitized over 2,000 retail stores across 280 million sqft, the largest indoor mapping deployment to date. The maps are now live inside the retailer's mobile app and will be used by millions of monthly active users to enhance their shopping experience.

Digital maps are an imperative, but retailers lag behind

Digital maps are imperative in retail as they are proven to increase retail app engagement levels significantly. However, while 78% of the top 50 US retailers have 'Store Mode' in their app, only 19% have already activated in-store maps.

Retailers lag behind because indoor mapping in retail poses two significant challenges. Firstly, manually creating digital maps for thousands of diverse stores is incredibly time-consuming which can delay an app launch considerably. Secondly, keeping maps updated in a retail environment that is constantly changing according to the retail calendar, promotions, and displays is a never-ending task.

Learn how retailers are delivering world class experiences for their customers with Pointr's guide to Store Mode.

Get the Guide

The innovative deployment at the US' leading home improvement store was made possible by Pointr's innovative AI technology MapScale®. The AI retrieves existing maps of all stores in any format and converts them into interactive indoor maps in a fraction of the time it would take using a manual conversion. Maps can be updated and changed in seconds with simple cloud-based mapping tools. Once this step has been completed, the groundwork is laid for rich and engaging location-aware features.

image (20)About Pointr

A global leader in indoor location & mapping technology, Pointr enables great retail customer journeys thanks to indoor positioning, digital mapping, navigation, geofencing, and location-based analytics.

Our technology is highly scalable and high-performance. We have already digitized more than 4 billion sqft for 12 Fortune 100 companies, across 27 countries, in 5,000+ buildings. We are trusted by key players such as Microsoft, Cisco, CBRE, America's Department Store, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and more.

With our revolutionary AI Mapping technology, retailers can digitize all their stores instantly to enable in-store product wayfinding. MapScale® automatically converts floor plans into interactive digital maps and keeps them updated.

Pointr will demonstrate its signature location solution at NRF 2023: Retail's Big Show. To learn more about how Pointr Deep Location® powers digital maps and indoor location in retail, workplace, and healthcare, visit


Marianne Slamich

When it comes to indoor mapping, getting the initial read of the indoor location correct is absolutely paramount. A single incorrect dimension or miscalculated measurement can render an entire floor’s worth of maps completely unusable, due to the knock-on effect that one incorrect number can have on the rest of the map. This is even more true when

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