What makes Pointr an ideal smart workplace partner?


Les Blythe


Pointr has firmly established itself as the workplace technology solution partner of choice for indoor location and mapping, with a list of customers that includes many Fortune 100 companies.


We are a preferred partner for Microsoft, CBRE Host, Siemens Enlighted, and Honeywell.

In this article we’ll look at what qualifies Pointr to successfully form such partnerships and what we offer that differentiates us from our competitors in the space.

We’ll explore the Pointr difference, including:

  • How we meet and exceed the essential requirements a workplace technology solution partner should fulfil to be a valuable asset for your business
  • The critical importance of choosing a dedicated specialist
  • The unique features that differentiate our offering from typical competitors in the indoor location and mapping space

Essential requirements when choosing a workplace technology solution partner

Let’s start by looking at how Pointr delivers on a selection of the prerequisites for a technology partner that has the capacity to add real value to your business.

Experience and knowledge - Pointr has a global presence in more than 20 countries, in over 5,000 venues, and we power 250 million data points.

Commitment - we’re agile and constantly investing in R&D to future proof our indoor location and mapping solutions for the long run. We respond quickly to unforeseen challenges, delivering appropriate solutions without fuss.

Speed to market - Pointr has the fastest solution available anywhere in the marketplace - up to 100,000 times faster than competitive solutions.

Flexibility - our software solutions are completely hardware agnostic, meaning that we don’t tie you to any supplier or biased hardware recommendations.

Efficiency - no need to re-calibrate because we don't use fingerprinting. This means we deliver consistent accuracy, that doesn’t deteriorate from day one.

Cost effectiveness - our SDK-based solution easily integrates with your application stack protecting your current investment. Our solutions require no on site maintenance, a substantial cost benefit. We deliver a patented “no upkeep” solution.

Certifications - Pointr’s information security is ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 certified and approved by Cisco, Microsoft, Siemens, Extreme Networks, CBRE, ISS, DHS, and many others.

The importance of choosing a specialist partner

At Pointr, we’re 100% laser focused on (and specialized in) indoor mapping and location technology.

Some vendors specialize in either mapping or indoor location. We believe both solutions are integral to user experience, which is why we have built and natively integrated our market-leading indoor location technology on top of our best-of-breed mapping solution. 

We’re passionate about providing the best performing, scalable indoor mapping and location solutions and invest 100% of our time and energy in the pursuit of this. We’re not interested in extending our offerings to solutions that would compete with our workplace experience partners.

What our technology partners love about our innovative mapping solutions

There are many features that combine to make up the Pointr indoor mapping and location technology solution - features that clearly differentiate us as the preferred workplace technology solution partner.

MapScale™  - our revolutionary, fully automated, AI-powered map digitization solution that creates maps at huge scale in minutes - not weeks or months. Map digitization is critical to room/desk bookings and campus navigation, and is often a time-consuming bottleneck for workplace experience partners.

Pointr Cloud - our cloud-based content management system that allows users  to manage, configure, and maintain Pointr’s maps, location data, and location services in a single, unified platform.

Deep Location® - Pointr's indoor positioning system technology doesn’t rely on using a phone's compass, which in many indoor environments doesn’t deliver useful orientation. It also doesn’t rely on fingerprinting or geomagnetic techniques, which are less accurate and cumbersome to install and maintain. Instead, Pointr’s Deep Location® technology utilizes sensor fusion techniques and machine-learning algorithms to provide incredible accuracy both for blue dot location and orientation. 

The following table highlights the difference between Pointr maps and typical competitive solutions.


The Pointr difference

Typical competitive solutions

Speed to market + Scalability 
  • Maps created in minutes with MapScale™
  • Fully automated mapping process 
  • Weeks/months
  • Manual
Map accuracy + updates
  • Automatic update detection 
  • Real-time map management with Pointr CMS
  • High accuracy georeferencing
  • High accuracy even in complex buildings 
  • Manual updates
  • Static updates, maps don’t stay relevant
  • Low geographic accuracy
User experience
  • 3D vector maps - high resolution, quick to load, simple and accurate
  • Interactive - adapts to zoom levels & rotations 
  • Dynamic styling, customizable
  • New technology - we're all used to vector-based maps from Google, Apple, Waze, etc.
  • 2D raster maps - image-based, low resolution, performance issues
  • Static, unnecessary details when changing zoom level 
  • No dynamic styling, not always customizable
  • Old technology - the user experience feels dated with raster maps 
Blue dot accuracy 
  • <3 meter location accuracy, real-time (patented)
  • Smooth orientation (compass-free) (patented)
  • Highly accurate floor detection (patented)
  • Poor location accuracy (15-30ft, delayed) 
  • Inaccurate orientation (compass)
  • Inaccurate floor detection (jumps to wrong floors)
  • Time to deploy: hours (patented)
  • Time to deploy: weeks
  • Fully remote
  • No upkeep (patented)
  • Monthly maintenance necessary (fingerprinting) 
  • Periodic on-site maintenance
Hardware agnostic?
  • Software-only platform 
  • Inherent hardware dependencies
  • $
  • $$$
  • SDK-based solution that integrates with your application stack
  • Integration capabilities vary
Compass free orientation
  • Patented technique to calculate orientation without a compass
  • Use unreliable compasses - radio interference from WiFi, lighting, and other radio sources
Works without internet
  • No internet connection required, users with limited connectivity can enjoy the solution
  • Need a reliable internet connection or accuracy degrades - won’t work in basements and underground car parks



Pointr has earned the reputation as a workplace technology solution partner of choice by closely matching all of the requirements a potential partner would evaluate, including experience and knowledge, commitment, speed to market, cost effectiveness and more.

Pointr is a specialist and a clear market leader in the indoor mapping and positioning space with many unique features that simply can’t be sourced from any other vendor - such as MapScale™, Pointr Cloud, and our Deep Location® technology.

MapScale™ is a truly revolutionary, automated, AI-powered map digitization solution that creates maps at huge scale at speeds of up to 100,000 times faster than any other available technology.

Try MapScale™ for yourself

Contact our team for a free demonstration of MapScale™ and see our lightning fast, hugely scalable map digitization solution in action for yourself.

Contact us


Les Blythe

When it comes to indoor mapping, getting the initial read of the indoor location correct is absolutely paramount. A single incorrect dimension or miscalculated measurement can render an entire floor’s worth of maps completely unusable, due to the knock-on effect that one incorrect number can have on the rest of the map. This is even more true when

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