Airport Maps & Wayfinding

Over time, airlines have successfully built passenger relationships, helping them learn more about their customers, deliver more attractive services, encourage loyalty, and increase revenues. But airports have struggled to create similar connections.

Pointr gives airports new power to engage directly with passengers. By offering user-friendly maps and navigation on every passenger’s smartphone — no app required — we provide you with never-before insights into their behavior and ways to influence their choices, all while you give them a helpful new tool.

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority

Maps & Wayfinding

  • Powerful, beautiful maps of your airport. Pan, tilt and zoom between 2D and 3D.
  • Passengers can easily find and get clear directions to gates, shops, restaurants and other POIs.
  • With Pointr Express™, no integrations or app install is needed. Passengers get instant access via QR code, URL or NFC tag.
  • Our MapScale® AI technology automatically generates maps from your CAD files
Dubai Airport (4)-min (1)

Indoor Location

  • Accurate “blue dot” shows passengers where they are on your map.
  • Routing updates dynamically if a passenger deviates from the suggested path.
  • Seamless transition from indoor to GPS-based location when passengers walk outside to parking lots, bus stops, or rideshare pickup zones.
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How can Pointr enhance your airport?

Advanced Capabilities

  • Analytics: Get never-before passenger insights from data on where passengers spend time and what they search for — both successfully and unsuccessfully — at your airport.
  • Accessibility: Define routes that avoid stairs or escalators. Through our Okeenea partnership, deliver wayfinding to passengers with visual or other impairments.
  • Mark My Car: Passengers never again lose track of where they parked, making for smooth return trips home.
  • Geofencing: Specify areas of interest, and send location-aware messages when passengers enter or exit a geofenced area.
  • Easy integrations: For customers who want to integrate Pointr’s platform into your passenger or staff app, we provide SDKs for iOS, Android and web. We also have robust APIs for integrating real-time data from third party sources such as Esri GIS and FIDS.

Benefits & Use Cases

  • Showcase events and updates such as kids’ activities, newly-opened restaurants, and new exhibits.
  • Improve the utilization of — and ROI on — investments in art exhibits, pet relief areas, lactation centers, and other airport facilities.
  • Increase non-aeronautical revenue by promoting stores and restaurants.
  • Guide passengers around construction zones and other blocked throughways.
  • Help passengers get to their connecting flights with ease.
  • Boost your service ratings by delivering a better passenger experience.
  • Help staff quickly locate emergencies, spills, or other areas needing prompt attention.


Drive Customer Loyalty

Our Industry Solutions

See our offerings in action and how they add value to different industries.

Get the Guide to Indoor Location

Enhance passenger experience and operational efficiency. Read our guide to unlock the smart airport of the future with Deep Location®  technology.


Get the Guide
Unlock the Future of Travel

In the modern world, everyone expects to have maps readily available at the push of a button or a tap of a smartphone screen when outdoors. Why should indoor environments be any different? Maps offer a way of vastly enhancing visitor experiences when in complicated indoor environments that they're not familiar with. There are few better use cases for this than indoor maps for airports.

Whether app- or kiosk-based, indoor maps for airports offer users an in-airport experience that is more confidence-inspiring and allows them to fully experience the full range of points of interest available. With maps, particularly those with indoor positioning also enabled, users can see with certainty exactly where they are within a terminal, how close by their departure gate is, and where any nearby amenities such as restaurants or bathrooms are.

However, airport mapping is a complex process which requires years of expertise. Thankfully, Pointr has been trusted by airports the world over to deliver top quality maps. Our marketing-leading tool MapScale® is capable of generating and updating hundreds of maps in a matter of minutes, using AI to include the features that matter to users - such as seating areas - while excluding extraneous details that only serve to make the map more cluttered.


With state of the art airport maps in place, the next level of location-based services for an airport to leverage is wayfinding. Airports tend to be large complexes comprised of multiple buildings, and as many users will be visiting for their first time, navigating even with a comprehensive map can be daunting.

Enabling BLE-powered indoor navigation within an airport takes your maps to the next level. Users can rest easy knowing that their app will be able to offer peace of mind and an outstanding experience by guiding them to a requested gate or point of interest quickly and via the most efficient route available, as well as dynamically alerting them when they've accidentally diverted from their route (something which classic signage-based wayfinding systems are unable to do).

Pointr's patented systems can achieve high accuracy even in busy, congested areas with multiple signal obstacles, and our navigation algorithms are constantly improving to offer users better and better wayfinding experiences.


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The Future of Travel?


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